Advice of earning by oneself

1.An office worker removes money.

A fundamental principle: A company doesn't exist for an employee.

A company exists for a stockholder (owner president and the clan) to do rich living.

A company doesn't exist in social purpose of course (warai).

The word is bad, but work force is only a tool for moneymaking for a president.

Because money beyond paid payment is obtained when paying payment for an employee and making them work so that interest may be obtained when investing in a bond, a company employs an employee.

For example if you can employ a person by 200,000 yen and make them invent only wealth of 200,000, the money-like merit increases only time using a person by a zero, so no one employs a person.

In other words, as wealth is invented as an employee, that it's exploited, it's the reason which increases more.

Would it be able to function by such place and be abundantly?

It's impossible to be familiar.

When I work as an employee, roughly speaking half of the invented wealth is removed.

200,000 yen of payment which can also assume that I worked as an employee and invented wealth at 400,000 yen for one month is a bulge.

Half, PINHANE, it's a reason.

It wasn't only a dispatch company to make the payment a pin (warai).

Half of the wealth this invented irrespective of a regular member and a part-time job, PINHANE, when, you may think.

Oh, even if it looks like KARA and one million CDs are sold, payment for one month is better compared with the state as 100,000 yen, but still it's terrible talk.

An incentive to work is remarkable and disappears.

Even if he doesn't become rich particularly, because payment becomes double when the wealth an employee invented is returned to 100% employee, it's possible to improve the living level and the income is just as it is and the person for whom the income now is enough can halve working hours.

When doing that, we change to a popular life entirely.

When it's possible to recover the wealth a president, the clan and an official have monopolized unfairly in our hand, is it however good?

Unfortunately the owner president in the world now and an office is black, so (warai) such good thing doesn't happen.

When it's so, the way where money was earned by itself is profitable and because PINHANE is also the sense which isn't done, don't you also feel good?

2.To earn by oneself.


When I say by my example, how many % inside the person who read an article it's by writing an article and sticking a bill smoothly like this home page clicks advertisement, and I get advertising revenue.

Besides recommended goods are also introduced, and I recommend myself, when the goods sell via a home page, the advertisement rate enters.

This is mechanism of an affiliate.

Number of accesses increases, so the way where I got a pay server and the pay domain more than it was done by a free rental server if it was done at all, is recommended.

Even if I say a charge, a server charge puts about 1000 yen of about 2000 yen a year and domain charge together, and is about 3000 yen.

Companion piece->  How to take it the domain and debtor of a rental server


I get the profit by selling the book I got by an auction and a market place by Amazon for 100 yen by book off as a famous way.

Even if it isn't a book particularly, when you can get a game and a CD inexpensively and sell it highly, the profit can be made wonderfully.

Both ways are being earned as self-employed perfectly, so in a company, PINHANE, because it isn't also the reason which is carefree and sells labor in a company, it's free.

It's a wonderful thing that you can earn freely.

The beginning is payment of course and it's important to wrestle as a sideline, supporting a life.

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The social truthThe truth of money and workTo do live happily?The truth in the real world and the world which isn't visibleManager's thinking aloud