The use of the resignation and resignation life

Merit happiness of giving up and satisfied life

1.The life given up and the life which isn't given up

It's August 29, 2011 at present.

I think it's when the person who gave up Japanese business recovery by and by has become a lot, too.

If we give up, we "are a life end" from child's time, you could teach never to give up a matter, and I was growing up like etc..

I think the teacher who encourages to give up wasn't in elementary and junior high schools.

It's a bad thing to give up, and it's the reason you have initiated in a sense of values as a good thing not to give up and to exert oneself.

It's done and it's infliction....., isn't it?

It's the reason also at an advantage to give up.

There are also many cases that whether you say so can be happily by giving up.

2.The use of the resignation

First when giving up having a car, monthly living becomes easy.

The necessary cost of living becomes 50,000 yen less expensive every month specifically.

Working hours for it can also be reduced and because I afford for 50,000 yen even if payment falls by some cause, it can calm down.

Persevering in change of occupation, and when giving up high-income work, such as becoming declined and being depressed, you don't also have to experience a sterile thing.

Even if I succeed in change of occupation and the improvement of the career, if a company goes bankrupt and fits the restructuring, it's the reason which has origin and a child and.

When giving up the high living standard materially, a life becomes easy.

Anxiety of money also decreases substantially. You won't have to work long and it is, so room is also born at time.

How much value does to cling to the high living standard have?

Because I'm the man seeing the world slightly slantingly, I work much and don't know living good consumed much well.

There is also nothing I want to work painfully.

There was nothing I want to work part-time in particular around a student, so I didn't work part-time so much.

Isn't part-time work weary or (warai)?

Sociability wasn't liked more than now at student's time, so I did hard concern and belonged to the organization as the company, and didn't think I worked part-time.

If I graduate in that, anyhow it's a done sense and, student's time should be satisfied with freedom, I thought here.

So my friends who are working part-time and are earning money much were strange.

They're probably turning to labor, so it can be compared and operate without pain.

It doesn't face to the labor, so I'd reach the feelings which says to labor pain is felt, so that there is nothing to want to work and get with difficulty so much more than decency.

There are a lot of people who quit their job eagerly (warai).

It's strange, though they should face to the labor, and should be able to work without pain (warai).

Please operate on the degree a life is surrounded little more than I work and consume much much.
I'd like to consume little and live freely.

When the opposite sex is given up, that feeling is shaken with opposite sex related disappears.

Isn't that disliked, feeling is twisted by male's behavior, and is you associate, split and have an affair, and, and that's twisted?

How much value does to place the value on the opposite sex have?

Demerits are also a lot of ones.

Because the standard work with an encounter and the work popular among the opposite sex say can't also be ignored in a career choice when I place the value on the opposite sex, it can't be chosen any more freely.

Because it can be chosen only by the standard as the good work of the hourly wage easily when deciding work when giving up the opposite sex, after having begun work actually, the state that the hourly wage is good continues easily, so it's easy (warai).

And the different lust and the lust are persistent, so it'll be impossible to transcend (warai).

When giving up sociability, worries of the human relations decrease sharply.

Anyhow man lives and goes by himself.

Even if the human relations are expanded, it's taken out only to live and go in the family center with oneself at most.

When I get married, don't friendly relations decrease?

This is an inevitable thing.

Man can't do many things so much.

Because I'm an odd fellow, I meet no one, and when I don't get in touch and am here, quiet delight is felt.

Isn't it the best which isn't twisted by others?

Isn't it the best which doesn't have to pay regard to others?

Because they're safeness and the already 21st century, a person can also live by himself (warai).

When giving up sociability, that a friend has an inferiority complex in a little thing also disappears.

When there are a lot of friends, it's troublesome in many ways and (warai).

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The social truthThe truth of money and workTo do live happily?The truth in the real world and the world which isn't visibleManager's thinking aloud