To do prevent worries of the human relations?/Workplace/stress/work/privacy

To the person who can't be satisfied with the human relations now.
atisfactory way of thinking as "the standard"

1.Common point of the human relations and the living standard

A time and I went to work on weekdays, and a holiday was doing a net sideline of such article describing.

I was invited to some Japan and friend which continued every day when private entertainment and friendly relations are also approximately zero for about 3 months and went to an alcoholic party.

It had been idle after a long time and it was a fun alcoholic party deep..., I go to work on weekdays after that, and every day when a net sideline of such article describing is performed has become very impressed by pain in a holiday.

A similar thing also seems to happen about the living standard.

When the living standard raised once falls, a person seems to feel pain all.

First they seem to find the living standard of 3 is raised in 5, and to return to 3 much unfortunately than the case which was 3 from the beginning.

2.When the satisfactory standard is raised, it becomes difficult that only that's met.

If it isn't living standard 5 concretely, you can't have been satisfied any more because the standard of the living standard which can be met rose when I said whether you got up, but when I return to living standard 3 to save, what seems to feel pain?

When I said by an example of my human relations, the beginning went to work on weekdays, and performed private entertainment and friendly relations and every day which is approximately zero (level 3 of human relations) could meet a net sideline of such article describing in a holiday, when the standard of the human relations which can be satisfied with spending a fun alcoholic party (level 5 of human relations) goes up to 5, and I return to original level 3 of human relations, pain has been felt.

When the standard is raised once, the human relations and the living standard become difficult to lower and can that be satisfied any more with the following standard?

Once food and something same and good were eaten, by the former one, you can't be satisfied any more.

The living standard with which you can always always be satisfied can be maintained, and should be able to maintain the level of the human relations which can be met, but it may be the one it'll be to satisfy the standard more as the standard by which you can think it's quite difficult and be satisfied rises, difficultly.

When saying conversely, when lowering the satisfactory standard, it becomes easy to be satisfied and it may be the one which becomes happy.

Even if I return every day of work and a net side job when having the standard to which I say "It's sometimes difficult to be just also able to hold a alcoholic party." when I say by my example, it may be one met without feeling pain.

But I think the standard doesn't fall even if they'll be left alone.

I think it doesn't fall when it isn't lowered consciously.

3.Reconsideration of the sense of values said that which is good by the world public

Then, it's how to lower the satisfied standard, but I think it's most effective to reconsider the sense of values.

The sense of values said that which is good by the world public may be reconsidered for that.

[The sense of values said that which is good by the world public]
The abundant human relations are a good one.
A luxurious life is a good one.
Living of the high living standard is a good one.
[Reconsideration of the sense of values said that which is good by the world public]
Are the abundant human relations a really good one?
Is a luxurious life a really good one?
Is living of the high living standard a really good one?

The human relations in which the creature as man is abundant and, luxurious, do you live and are you the creature who can't be happily when there are no high living standards?

Or the abundant human relations and, luxurious, even if I live and there are no high living standards, it depends on a sense of values and are you the creature who can live happily enough?

I just live and am happy! The human relations abundant with the sense of values which says so and, luxurious, you live and even while there is nothing, can't the high living standard live and go happily?

When destroying the abundant human relations and the relation between the luxurious living standard which lives and is high and happiness, I think it becomes easy to lower the satisfactory standard and even if the standard is lowered, it may be the one by which even happy rawness can be here.

And when lowering the standard once, you can always be satisfied often, so I'm happy.

Happiness, the abundant human relations and, luxurious, a way where I live and don't depend on the high living standard often becomes happy, so it may be benefiting.

4.To do prevent worries of the human relations? - Summary

You may be able to prevent worries of the human relations by lowering the standard of the degree of satisfaction of the human relations.

I may need reconsideration of a sense of values of existence for it and need with a sense of values different from a sense of values of the world public may come out.

For example when having the standard to which I say "It's sometimes difficult to be just also able to hold a alcoholic party.", you'd be able to be satisfied with the human relations at every kind of time often and I think you can be here happily.

The degree of prosperity of the human relations to everybody is hoping to rise even a little.

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The social truthThe truth of money and workTo do live happily?The truth in the real world and the world which isn't visibleManager's thinking aloud