Relation between living maintenance and pride

To the person who suffers from unemployment and a decrease in income.
Because I ask outside for grounds of pride, I suffer more than necessary.

1.Conditional pride

A person has pride in everyone.

Pride is the feeling that I think of myself importantly and the feeling that I think one is the existence which has value.

This pride will be very important for man and be the feeling up which pride should go and when falling, it's depressed and when it falls big, I can have depression and also commit suicide.

And this pride "is conditional" for many people.

For example I'm valuable because the nice sweetheart with whom work is getting along well has the good friend who has much money he needs, I'd like to see.

When having the good friend who has much money by which the nice sweetheart with whom work is getting along well has for this conditional pride, you can feel like saying, and there are no every problems.

But when the result isn't in any more once, it'll be very depressed.

2.When I have conditional pride, it leads to suffer more than necessary.

And my personal experience about this conditional pride is written.

It was now, too whether you said those days, but I who was working at work could eat, and the more or less got the income an entertainment can just also enjoy.

But, when having that, work decreases by a strange thing, and the income has also decreased with that.

It has not been done any more even that I'm living on that the income fell.

I was shocked and impatient of course.

(It's unrelated to a gist of a body, but, I did juu agreement of being a possibility that the income falls for a long time, actual, if, it became hollow beyond expectation.)

If the income falls so that you can't live, everyone is surprised and falls.

It's a so-called proper reaction to here.

But I noticed that it's strange here.

Because the income fell, I was quite depressed and hollow than a received shock.

I was more pinched than the degree from which I'd suffer of course primarily more than necessary in other words.

Why was the one it was or oneself analyzed in such thing?

And understood one?
Because I was that the income was lost, and even lost the supporting oneself pride to which a life is being turned by its gain, it was hollow to there.

Because I was asking myself who is supporting himself and is living alone for grounds of pride when I said, when losing that, pride falls and is the reason which was depressed by the level though the world should extinct, (warai).

When I asked oneself who is supporting himself and is living alone for grounds of pride and wasn't here, this was the painful feeling you didn't have to experience.

When I had pride this conditionally, it was tied with sometimes suffering more than necessary and there was one in case of me so much, but I'm afraid to lose "supporting oneself oneself" by the one which becomes a basis of pride and my example.

3.Then how should it be done?

It's to have pride without the conditions.

When I say by my example.
The income fall, and make it temporary, it's to admit, accept and love oneself who couldn't support any more himself just as it is.

Because the item as "I'm supporting myself." gets away from the condition to keep pride when doing that, even if you can't support any more yourself, there is no every influence in pride.

When such one can be admitted, accepted and loved just as it is even if I don't have a good friend even if I have no money even if there isn't a nice sweetheart even if work isn't working, even if everything is lost, I don't suffer from a decline of pride.

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The social truthThe truth of money and workTo do live happily?The truth in the real world and the world which isn't visibleManager's thinking aloud