Even if I depend on a country and a company, peace of mind isn't had.

1.The future of a country and a company

It's October 25, 2011 at present.

Depression continues for more than 20 years after a bubble economy collapse, and the business is convalescent, but in fact I deteriorate and go.

Everyone gives up business recovery or doesn't also hear a word as economic measures before recently any longer.

And the business will also have convalescent no chance from now on.

It's already decided to become countries full of aged people by the declining birthrate and a growing proportion of elderly people and vigor can't also be productive in the country where half of the population is aged people.

The day when only aged people overflow may come to Disneyland.

In the inside of elderly couple's line where roller coaster waiting is in a line, little by little, if, it may be the situation that a young couple mixes (warai).

Because a person in the generation younger than now will decrease now.

That and this are done because of people's in the aged people generation not separating a vested right.

Young people are in difficulty for the cause.

I'm usually wondering, is it necessary to treat the person who has money very well in a money face?

Specifically, more than 50-year-old people are monopolizing 8 of a Japanese financial asset-9 tenths.

When saying to corporeality, aged people are the reason in which they have money.

But the senior discount which is a movie theater when the world is looked around, and a senior discount in a supermarket.
The mechanism to make the charge for the aged people who have money inexpensive is much.

Is there necessity to make the charge for the man who has money inexpensive?

Aged people make the charge rather expensive, to the extent, wouldn't you like exactly?

The young people who don't have money easily than aged people and the child rearing generation will pay the regular charge actually, and aged people with the pension collected from young people and enough deposit are paying the inexpensive charge for a senior discount.

I have little interest in (warai) and various things by suitable and boring man, but anger is felt in this contradiction.


But wealth moves from young people to aged people, a pension of an assessment plan and health insurance (Which would go to a hospital much, aged people or young people?) will plot and don't probably also turn embodied from now on.

Because "It's stopped to spend recklessly for aged people! The young people generation when the next generation is made more than aged people is treated very well!" even if the politician who insists appears, there are percentages quite much than young people of the aged people in the voter, so I lose out (warai).

In other words, differential correction is an impossible reason during the generation mostly.

If the pestilences with the high infected fatal rate set the big fashion to only more than 65 years old, speaking is different....

Said, the aged people generation, a vested right, it isn't separated, Japan would go to the fall.

When it'll be, the company engaging in business in Japan won't be also left any more.

If I became poor, and the active generation was doing the aged people generation one after another to make them rich, the consumption was cold, and the sales of the company decreased, and then payment also fell and when the consumption was increasingly cold and because aged people increased, but the social security expenses of the pension increased, and taxes were increased for the raise, and it was done, the net income income decreased increasingly, and the consumption was increasingly cold....., and it was being written, and it was disagreeably (warai).

As Japanese national resources as well as this are declining, a yen also falls in value, and the price of the way imports rises, and the price of the energy also rises and the living standard falls increasingly, and I go.

It isn't a bad thing that the living standard falls particularly.

If this is a change in the big time, the avoided means is not.

Some, there is also a possibility to the aim that a revolutionizing thing and a black swan-like phenomenon by the good meaning should occur....

The one falling as my policy which has little interest in the turn basically is until it's done while falling.

Because it's nothing special and is the result do-nothing and policy lacking way to the former country and company has caused even if one person perseveres in me, it's unrelated for me (warai).

I'm also tired with associating with the society which played (warai).

The living standard, lowering、 lives and just goes until I barely die indifferently.

2.Even if I depend on a country and a company, peace of mind isn't had.

Because it's the future situation of such country and society, even if I depend on a country and society, peace of mind isn't had of course.

The future time may be a country and the one which is when the sovereignty left in a company is recovered in our hand.

A country doesn't even mind slaughtering the citizen to maintain a system, I'm quite afraid.

(Chinese Tiananmen Square incident and the prewar Japanese special secret service police police)

If a country and a company are depended on, a heavy blow may be received.

Because a working environment also deteriorates and goes every year.Depressed riskMO is rising every year.

Because depression was experienced, I can say, when I have depression, a life stops for several years.

It may be the one which should be finished in several years.

The loss at which a life stops for several years measures and isn't known.

It's very spicy above all and, it won't be, you have not come (warai).

When you can't depend on a country and a company.The living standard, loweringIt's the reason off which you should live until 、 barely dies indifferently.

Because it's exploited absolutely when I work for a company.It's recommended to earn by oneself..

I return to a top page.  I return to The truth of money and work category.


The social truthThe truth of money and workTo do live happily?The truth in the real world and the world which isn't visibleManager's thinking aloud